The Best Air Purifiers for Asthma

Best Air Purifiers for Ashtma
Source: Flickr.

Asthma is a tricky diagnosis to control. Nothing can replace your rescue inhaler, but there are certain things you can do around the home to limit attacks. One of them is the installation of an air purifier. The best air purifier for asthma will help to take bothersome triggers out of the air being breathed, which can help ease symptoms. This guide will help you find the best air purifier for your home today if asthma is a concern for you.

The Best Chart for Air Purifiers Which Help Asthma

Air purifiers can remove potential triggers from temporary sources in 5 to 15 minutes when the size and scope of the equipment can meet the needs of a room. These are the top-rated air purifiers in this category which can make that happen for your home.

Common Problems with Air Purifiers for Asthma and How to Solve Them

The biggest issue that asthma sufferers face isn’t the quality of their air purifier. It’s the structure of their home. When you have wall-to-wall carpeting in your home, then there can be a massive number of asthma triggers present in that material. Vacuums can’t remove all of the triggers, even with HEPA filtration, because the process of vacuuming kicks triggers into the air. If you have the best air purifier for asthma, but lots of carpeting, then it could be the carpet that is causing the problem.

The air purifiers in this category are also designed to be single-room solutions. Most people with asthma will place the air purifier in their bedroom, but any room in the home where significant time is spent may require an air purifier as well.

Finding the right filter is also important when shopping for the best air purifier for asthma control. To qualify for labeling as a HEPA filter, the air purifier you select must capture a minimum of 90% of 0.3 micron particulates in the air. Ultra-HEPA filtration captures more of these particulates, but not every trigger will be removed from the air in either case.

Then there are the electronic air filters that are sometimes found in this category. These should be avoided. They often create ozone as a byproduct and that can trigger asthma on its own.

How to Control Asthma Symptoms

If you feel a little cough, some chest discomfort, or it starts to become difficult to breathe, then you know an asthma attack might be right around the corner. The whistle of stridor when the air passageways become inflamed and swollen can be very scary indeed. Installing an air purifier for asthma can help to reduce the risks of this happening, but there are some other ways you may be able to control asthma symptoms naturally if an attack comes your way.

• Ginger. When used with asthma medications, ginger can help to enhance the effects of the medicine. It is believed that ginger can help to reduce muscle contractions that may work to close airways.
• Vitamin B6. This is particularly beneficial to people with asthma who are dependent on steroid administration to relieve symptoms. Not every study has shown benefits with this vitamin, however, so it should be used with caution.
• Butterbur. In the Asia Pacific region and in Europe, this herb has been used to treat asthma because it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It can also help to reduce the contraction of the muscles that may be causing an attack.

Nothing will replace a rescue inhaler. What you can do is reduce the chances of needing that inhaler in the first place. The best air purifier for asthma in a bedroom can be a great start to that process. Consider these additional alternatives as well, but only after discussing them with your doctor so any potential health interactions can be evaluated first.

How to Find the Best Air Purifier for My Asthma

“Despite manufacturers’ claims, ozone air purifiers don’t remove asthma triggers from the air,” writes Dr. James Li, PhD, for the Mayo Clinic. “In fact, inhaled ozone can make asthma worse.”

“Some ozone air purifiers are made with an ion generator or ‘ionizer’ in the same unit. You can also buy ionizers as separate units. Ionizers do remove particles from the air, causing them to attach to nearby surfaces or to each other and settle out of the air – but they may generate unwanted ozone.”

When looking for the best air purifier for asthma, the first line of defense must be the filter. True HEPA filtration is absolutely necessary. Some HEPA models have a carbon pre-filter included with the design. This helps to eliminate odors that may also be a trigger – like cigarette smoke odors. Purchase the best possible filter your budget will allow.

Then you must consider the size of the room. Air purifiers in this category are room specific. If you spend 8-10 hours in your bedroom, 4 hours in your TV room, and another 4 hours in your living room, then you may need to purchase 3 air purifiers to truly lower your risks of an attack due to indoor triggers present.

What Are the Prices of Air Purifiers for Asthma?

Most of the air purifiers that you will find helpful to ward off asthma attacks are priced in the $100-$200 range right now. Some premium models that approach hospital-grade equipment are priced closer to $300. Entry-level pricing for smaller rooms may be under $100 in this category, but you must be careful when looking at the purifier to make sure it doesn’t produce ozone as a byproduct. Many 3-in-1, 4-in-1, or 5-in-1 air cleaning solutions can be helpful for asthma as long as the ionizer isn’t operating.

What Do Our Reviews Have to Say?

AeraMax 100

This is an affordable smart air purifier. With antimicrobial treatments on the true HEPA filter and automatic sensors which detect contaminants, you’ll be able to pull a number of asthma triggers out of your indoor air. There’s even a special mode included for the colder months when the cold and influenza viruses like to make their way around so you can stay healthier. It works better in smaller rooms – say 150 square feet or so – but you’ll take out the particulate contaminants that might make your asthma worse. It’s easily one of the best air purifiers on the market today.

Click here to check the price on Amazon and get the best deal.

Winix FresHome P150

Can PlasmaWave technology create ozone? Yes – in small amounts. Is it enough to trigger your asthma? That’s unknown… but it didn’t trigger a reaction in the person we gave this unit to test. He’s had a rescue inhaler for more than a decade and reported that he felt better with this air purifier then he’d felt in years. HEPA filtration pulls out the contaminants and the PlasmaWave technology takes care of the odors. 4 fan speeds, including a quiet mode, lets you sleep comfortably. This unit is CADR rated for rooms of up to 150 square feet in size.

Click here to check the price on Amazon and get the best deal.

Germ Guardian AC4825

This 3-in-1 cleaning system might be the dream investment for your home if you have an asthma sufferer living with you. Not only does it have a true HEPA filter, but there is also a charcoal pre-filter for odor control and a UV-C system to kill germs, bacteria, and even viruses as they pass through the unit. You won’t have to worry about any ozone production in return for fewer triggers in your indoor air. It even helps reduce allergic reactions to pollens, pet dander, and dust mites. We felt that when all of the features were considered, the amount of value this air purifier provided was surprisingly high and that’s why it earns our recommendation.

Click here to check the price on Amazon and get the best deal.

Alen Tower

This small air purifier puts in a powerful performance. You’ll find it is just as effective as the best air purifiers for asthma that are much larger in scope and size. Rated to work in rooms that are up to 500 square feet in size, it does a particularly good job at removing dust and larger particles from the air. In Energy Star testing, this model earned a CADR of 159. If you struggle with asthma at the office or when you travel, this might be the best air purifier to meet your needs today.

Click here to check the price on Amazon and get the best deal.

Guardian Technologies

This stylish air purifier does it all. It removes pet odors, cooking odors, and even the stale smell of cigarette smoke thanks to the charcoal filter. True HEPA filters capture triggers that are 0.3 microns in size. UV-C ultraviolet light works with titanium dioxide so that mold spores, fungi, and even viruses can be eliminated. 5 fan speeds are included with the design for added convenience. You’ll want to clean out the filter about twice per year for best results. Give it a try and we think you’ll be just as pleased with this air purifier as we were.

Click here to check the price on Amazon and get the best deal.

The best air purifier for asthma will help you breathe better, potentially reduce the frequency of attacks, and ultimately reduce indoor contaminants that may be in your air. Find the best model in this category for your needs and you might just feel better than you have for a long, long time.